Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TAE: Thoughts And Emotions 001

They say,
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
But nowadays, for most people, I think it isn’t.

People can simply utter the word “Sorry” without even meaning it. For some people, it is merely an expression. Expression in the sense that they usually say it, hearing it from that person is so typical that you don’t know if he or she is earnest with what he or she said. Other folks are just merely being sarcastic with other people. That is they are saying “Sorry” just to mock other people.

What’s with the word “Sorry” that it is a big deal to me? The reason why people articulate the word is to apologize, to state remorse, or to express guilt and admit regret. And with that, what should come with apology is sincerity. Sincerity goes with honesty of expression of true feelings, earnest utterance and candor. The said statements only lead to one thing, sincerity matters to me.

I maybe sounding kind of cynical, but this is how I feel from being surrounded by stubborn people. These are the people that I can easily list as “Friends”, but counting on them is a different thing.


MinnieRunner said...

what a very deep thought.. just the same with the word 'i love you'... sometimes it has been used as an ordinary statement.. without sincerity..

Anonymous said...

haha. natawa ako sa title! creative!